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As many to stay home amid the , jeans are not their first for a day’s .


Many are for that’s both and — maybe a or on top and pants or on — so that they can both look on work video calls and be while at home.

[ˈbleɪzər]: n. (带有学校、俱乐部等标记的)夹克;轻便短上衣

[blaʊz]: n. 宽松的上衣;女装衬衫


Some are above else.


“Prior to COVID, even, those who said that they were from home were the same piece of for work, and ,” Maria , at The NPD Group, told .


It’s hard to work out in jeans, so where does denim fit into that ?


Jeans sales are sharp along with the rest of the , to The NPD Group’s Maria . Denim will have to adapt to fit the needs.


“Jeans have the to play up the , to play up the that they have,” said. “These are the that we’re going to see help the .”

自从疫情暴发以来牛仔服市场调研,真实信仰、幸运牌和G-Star Raw等多家主打牛仔裤的零售企业均已申请破产。长时间关闭门店和向休闲服饰风格的转变已被证实对主营牛仔裤的零售商造成了损害。

denim- — True , Lucky Brand, and G-Star Raw — have filed for since the began. store and a shift for jeans.


It’s a poor turn of for a that has seen its ups and downs over the years, but that was some the . Jeans, low- denim and jeans for men, were doing well in years.


Ayako Homma, at , said this was due to what could be -.


“As dress codes the , US have the usage for jeans,” Homma said in .


“Also, with in the US , who had over the last few years to and jeans, as and fit to make these for .”


But even the has this trend, said that it may be too early to call this the death of jeans. as a whole is large sales , while jeans that are meant for work are the trend and some .


“Jeans are never going to go away. They’ve been a for over a years,” said. “It’s to learn from the as far as how to adapt to these of that are for.”


Plus, at a point, might get tired of and all the time.

发布于 2023-04-02 12:49


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