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  罗杰·马丁是哈佛大学的工商管理硕士,曾任摩立特(Monitor)咨询公司联合总裁,现任多伦多大学洛特曼(Rotman)商学院院长。除了被选入管理思想者50人第六名之外,马丁还在2010年被《商业周刊》评为“全球27位最有影响力的设计师”,在2007年被《商业周刊》评为“全球最有影响力的10名商学院教授”。他现有四部著作:《负责任病毒》( The Responsibility Virus)、《兼听则明》(Opposable Mind)、 《设计商业业务》(The Design of Business)和《修正游戏规则》(Fixing the Game)。

  罗杰·马丁对管理学最主要的贡献是整合思维(Integrative Thinking),被认为是该领域的重要思想者。他与学院派教授有着极大的不同:他并没有受过博士训练,所获最高学位是哈佛大学的工商管理硕士。其管理学思想,主要来自于实践。

  在成为商学院院长之前,他在摩立特(Monitor)咨询公司做咨询,并最终做到该集团的联合总裁。摩立特是著名管理学家迈克尔·波特与其他5个合伙人在 1983年创办的;与麦肯锡一样,摩立特的业务是为公司高管提供战略咨询服务。在摩立特期间,马丁组建了摩立特大学,并将摩立特开到了加拿大。他于1998年出任洛特曼商学院院长。他与世界顶尖的管理者,如宝洁公司前CEO阿兰·雷富礼(Alan Lafley)等均有密切互动。他的整合思维理论就来源于对成功管理者的访问。

  整合思维是马丁管理思想的主要领域。2002年,他与同事在多伦多大学开办了一个整合思维中心(Desautels Centre for Integrative Thinking)。对于这个领域,他们这样定义:整合思维是指一个人可以处理脑子里两个相反的模型。不同于传统思维方式的二者择其一,整合思维是综合考虑两个模型的因素来找到解决方案。而这种解决方案要比基于任何一个单一模型得来的解决方案都更为优化。

Roger Martin has served as Dean of the Rotman School of Management since September 1, 1998. He is also a professor of Strategic Management, holds the Premier's Chair in Competitiveness and Productivity and is director of the AIC Institute for Corporate Citizenship at the School. Previously, he spent 13 years as a director of Monitor Company, the global strategy consulting firm based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, where he served as co-head of the firm for two years.

His research interests include Integrative Thinking, Business Design, Corporate Social Responsibility and Country Competitiveness. He writes extensively on design, has written seven Harvard Business Review articles and published four books: The Design of Business:

Why Design Thinking is the Next Competitive Advantage (Harvard Business Press, 2009); The Opposable Mind: How Successful Leaders Win Through Integrative Thinking (Harvard Business Press, 2007), The Responsibility Virus: How Control Freaks, Shrinking Violets -- And the Rest of Us -- Can Harness The Power of True Partnership (Basic Books, 2002),

The Future of the MBA: Designing the Thinker of the Future, with Mihnea Moldoveanu (Oxford University Press, 2008).

In 2007 he was named a BusinessWeek 'B-School All-Star' as one of the 10 most influential business professors in the world. BusinessWeek also named him one of seven 'Innovation Gurus' in 2005, and in 2004, he won the Marshall McLuhan Visionary Leadership Award.

Martin serves on the Boards of Thomson Reuters, Research in Motion, The Skoll Foundation, the Canadian Credit Management Foundation, Social Capital Partners and Tennis Canada. He is also a trustee of The Hospital for Sick Children and chair of the Ontario Task Force on Competitiveness, Productivity and Economic Progress.

A Canadian from Wallenstein, Ontario, he received his AB from Harvard College, with a concentration in Economics, in 1979 and his MBA from Harvard Business School in 1981.

发布于 2023-01-03 17:40


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