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维多利亚的秘密(Victoria‘s Secret)品牌成立于1977年,由毕业于斯坦福经济学院的罗伊·雷蒙德在旧金山创办。1982 年,罗伊将维密出售给 L Brands 公司。在L Brands精心打造之下,维密成为美国著名内衣品牌。



在维密,内衣尺寸只有 32A-40D。这意味着维密放弃了美国 大部分肥胖人群的内衣市场。维密通过产品尺寸的限制,将 目标客户群定位在那些年龄在 15 岁-60岁之间,希望更加美 丽性感的女性。


维多利亚的秘密的定价策略,包括 短期定价策略(撇脂)和长期定价策略(渗透)

平民化的定价策略和频繁的促销活动使维密拥有广 泛的客户群。


店面直销 。维密在全美各地的连锁专卖店超过 1000 家。维密把专卖店称成 “少女的闺房”,在这样的时尚设计和极致浪漫中,女性更易产生冲动消费。电子商务平台。1998年,维密开始线上销售。海外市场更是以网络销售为主。2011 年,维密网络销售高达 16.5 亿美元。



从传统的营销沟通来看,广告是营销沟通最重要的一种 形式。然而,随着营销环境的改变,广告已经越来越难到达目标受众群体。如何吸引消费者关注自己的品牌呢?精心策划的营销沟通,“维密秀”由此而生。



Today's article

The Victoria's Secret brand was established in 1977 by Roy Raymond, who graduated from the Stanford School of Economics, in San Francisco. In 1982, Roy sold Victoria's Secret to L Brands. Under the meticulous creation of L Brands, Victoria's Secret has become a famous American underwear brand.

1. Product strategy and price strategy

Sexy and beauty are defined through product standardization. In Victoria's Secret, the size of underwear is only 32A-40D. This means that Victoria's Secret has abandoned the underwear market for most obese people in the United States. Victoria's Secret uses product size restrictions to target women who are between 15 and 60 years old and want to be more beautiful and sexy.

Affordable luxury:

Victoria's Secret's pricing strategy, including short-term pricing strategy (skimming) and long-term pricing strategy (penetration), civilian pricing strategies and frequent promotional activities have enabled Victoria's Secret to have a broad customer base.

2. Channel strategy: diversified channels

Store direct sales.

Victoria's Secret has more than 1,000 chain stores across the United States. Victoria's Secret refers to the store as a "girl's boudoir". In this fashion design and extreme romance, women are more likely to produce impulsive consumption. E-commerce platform. In 1998, Victoria's Secret began online sales. The overseas market is dominated by online sales. In 2011, Victoria's Secret online sales reached US$1.65 billion.

Product catalog manual. In the early days, Victoria's Secret used catalog direct mail purchases to avoid the embarrassment of male consumers buying underwear for female partners.

Promotion strategy:

From the perspective of traditional marketing communication, advertising is the most important form of marketing communication. However, as the marketing environment changes, it has become increasingly difficult for advertisements to reach target audiences. How to attract consumers to pay attention to their brand? Well-planned marketing communication, "Vision Secret Show" was born from this.

Starting from the gap in the market, Victoria's Secret has gradually developed into a leader in the underwear industry. Cooperate with Victoria's Secret Angels to use the fan economy to boost brand popularity. Launched the annual Victoria's Secret Fashion Show, shaping the brand image into mid-to-high-end fashion. Multi-channel, multi-variety sales occupy the consumer market. The social network platform is used flexibly to communicate with consumers as soon as possible. All these are worthy of reference for the industry.

发布于 2023-01-15 00:43


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