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货运代理,收“货”英语。 Hello,大师好,接待来到TALK英语小课堂,我是Alice,给我五分钟,让你的FEU干货满满。 明天我们扬帆动身来到北欧神话之国芬兰,看看美丽干净的花园城口岸— 被称为波罗的海的女儿:赫尔辛基港。 (小拓:是我向往的北极炫彩极光的芬兰的口岸吗?) Yes,Helsinki is the capital and largest port city of the Republic of Finland. It is also the economic, political, cultural, tourism and transportation center of Finland and a world-famous technology capital. 赫尔辛基(Helsinki),是芬兰经济、政治、文化、旅游和交通中心,也是天下著名的科技之都。全部城市新旧夹杂得体,处处吐露着大城市的魅力与北欧式的文雅。 (小拓:嗯嗯,我晓得赫尔辛基还是芬兰最大的口岸城市呢!) 对呀,这在很洪流平上也得益于赫尔辛基优越的的地理位置: Port of Helsinki is located at 60 degrees north latitude in the south of Finland, on the edge of the Gulf of Finland, surrounded by the sea on three sides, with a mild climate, and has railway and road connections with the interior of Finland. In 2021 total of 14,4 million tonnes of goods passed through the Port of Helsinki. 赫尔辛基位于芬兰南部,接近芬兰湾,三面环海,天气温顺,与芬兰本地有铁路、公路毗连,交通方便。2021年全年,赫尔辛基港的货物吞吐量到达1千400多万吨。 Cargo traffic at the Port of Helsinki consists primarily of import and export for Finland’s foreign trade. The cargo is shipped in containers, trucks, trailers, and other similar large units. 赫尔辛基港首要处置芬兰对外收支口贸易的货物,运输范例包括集装箱运输、卡车、拖车等。 今朝赫尔辛基港首要的货运码头四个: Katajanokka South Harbour卡塔亚诺卡 West Harbour西港 Vuosaari Harbour沃萨里港 Port of Loviisa洛维萨港 每年经这四个码头的货物总值占到了全部芬兰海运收支口货物的50%。 (小拓:赫尔辛基港一定也是波罗的海重要的货物转运中心吧?) 是的小拓,逐日从这里前往欧洲首要口岸的船舶都络绎不停,有经济气力的大港逐日都忙得停不下来。赫尔辛基港还是欧洲经波罗的海地区前往CIS列国的理想门户。 It provides an ideal transit gateway to and from CIS countries. (小拓:CIS country, 指的是哪些国家呢?) CIS 的全称是the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), 意义是“独联体”,是由多个前苏联加盟共和国组成的一个地域性构造。今朝的成员国有Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. (小拓:哦,大白啦,那中欧班列一定也有直达赫尔辛基的线路了吧?) 固然有的,这就不能不提2018年开通的合肥—赫尔辛基的中欧班列了,而且这是一班点到点班列。 On November 8, the first China-Europe train from Hefei to Helsinki was successfully dispatched with a load of 86 TEU. The train, which is fully loaded with "Made in Anhui" commodities such as solar panels, LED light sources, and electronic sensors, will travel more than 10,000 kilometers and arrive in Helsinki, the capital of Finland. 11月8日,首趟合肥至赫尔辛基中欧班列满载86个标准箱顺遂发出。该趟满载着太阳能板、LED光源、电子感应器等“安徽制造”商品的班列,将行驶一万多千米,到达芬兰都城赫尔辛基,这将标志着安徽省中欧班列北欧线路成功开行。 (小拓:这真为企业进一步斥地北欧市场供给了无穷机遇呀) 除了铁路斥地北欧市场,我们还增加了铁海联运。一路来领会一下新增班列情况: On February 1, 2021, the Hefei international rail-sea combined transport train loaded with household appliance and anti-epidemic materials made in Anhui arrived at the Port of Hamburg, Germany. 2021年2月1日,满载着安徽外乡制造的红色家电和防疫物资的合肥国际铁海联运班列到达德国汉堡港。 The train takes the Port of Helsinki as a transit hub, and distributes the goods by sea to the Port of Hamburg, across the Eurasian continent, connecting Northern Europe and Western Europe, with a total time limit of 21 days, of which the time limit for station-to-station railway transportation is 17 days, and the time limit for shipping is 4 days. 该趟班列以芬兰赫尔辛基港作为直达关键,将货物海运分拨至汉堡港,横跨亚欧大陆,串联北欧西欧,全程时效21天,其中站到站铁路运输时效17天,船运时效4天。 The arrival of this train indicates that Hefei International Dry Port has opened a new route of "Hefei North—Helsinki, Finland—Port of Hamburg,Germany", exploring a new mode of international rail-sea combined transport. 此次班列的顺遂到达,标志着合肥国际陆港斥地了“合肥北-芬兰赫尔辛基-德国汉堡港”新线路,摸索了国际铁海联运运输新形式。 好啦,以上是本期的北欧口岸行,小伙伴们记得点赞,收藏,转发哦,我们下期再会。 撰稿|Miji  朗诵|Alice 审稿|提莫 排版|反响

发布于 2023-03-26 22:56


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