服定制工厂做福利!本工厂二十年专注polo衫,The factory has focused on polo shirt,for 20 years。
劳保服,labor uniforms,t恤广告衫,T-shirt advertising shirt,马甲等工作服定制定做。Customized and customized work,clothes such as vests,我们有专业的服装设计。
We have professional clothing design,与销售团队,With the sales team,一对一为客户提供免费设计。
67800,design for customers,one-on-one,免费印字,Free printing,免费寄样等服务。Free sample sending and other,自有上万瓶生产车间。
波利 production pint for tens of thousands of bottles,完整名服装生产工人,Hundreds of clothing production,workers,实体档口。喝到喝到喝到喝到喝到喝到喝到牢骚,千古款式任你挑选。Thousands of styles to choose from,工厂拥有上百台。The factory has over a hundred units,十万针全新自动化刺绣机,A brand new 抬腿 管城,七孔 午时 embroidery,machine with 100000 stitches,拥有上万瓶服装仓库海量现货。
TOP3 I coffee a massive inventory of tens of thousands of bottles in,clothing warehouses。