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Winner, George Robbins Teaching Award, UCLA, 1983-84. Winner, Former Student's Association Award for Outstanding Teaching, College of Business Administration and Graduate School of Business, Texas A&M University, 1992. Winner, 1995 Outstanding Core Professor, Full Time MBA Program, Fisher College of Business, The Ohio State University. Winner, 1996 Outstanding Core Professor, Evening MBA Program, Fisher College of Business, The Ohio State University Winner, 1999 Outstanding Ph.D. Instructor, Ph.D. Program, Fisher College Of Business, The Ohio State University Winner, 2000 Outstanding Ph.D. Instructor, Ph.D. Program, Fisher College Of Business, The Ohio State University Winner, 2001 Outstanding Executive MBA Professor, Executive MBA Program, Fisher College of Business, The Ohio State University Scholarly Awards Designated as an "Ascendant Scholar" by Western Academy of Management, 1990. Faculty Research Fellow Award for Outstanding Research, College of Business Administration and Graduate School of Business, Texas A&M University, 1992. Presenter, The Holger Crafoord Memorial Lecture, School of Economics and Management, Lund University, Sweden, "Toward an Organizational Model of Competitive Advantage," Fall 1993. Finalist, 1986 Academy of Management Review Outstanding Scholarly Contribution Award. Winner, 1994 Best Paper Award, Entrepreneurship Division, Academy of Management. Honorary Doctorate, 1997, University of Lund, Lund, Sweden Elected as a Member of the Academy of Management Fellows, 2001 Grants Research Grants, US-Japan Friendship Commission, 1984, 1985, 1986. (Grants totaling $45,000.) Texas Advanced Research Program, 1988-89, "Managing Risk & Uncertainty in Funding New Business Ventures: Determinants of the Structure of Venture Capital Governance" (Grant of $90,200). Research Grant, Center for International Business Studies, Texas A&M University, 1989, "International Agency Theory," with Arvind Mahajan (Grant of $5,000). Research Grant, Center for Entrepreneurship, 1991, "Strategic Analysis in Starting New Businesses," with Jennifer George and Tom Turk (Grant of $6,000). Research Grant, Texas Instruments, 1991, "Managing Cultural Diversity for Competitive Advantage," with Bob Hoskisson (Grant of $77,000). Research Grant, Texas Instruments, 1992, "Managing Cultural Diversity, Continued," with Bob Hoskisson (Grant of $7,000). Summer Research Grant, 1993, College of Business Administration and Graduate School of Business, Texas A&M University (Grant of $13,000). Research Grant, AT&T Foundation, 1999, "Center for the Study of Virtual Organization," with Rob Heneman, Roy Lewicki, and David Greenberger (Grant of $200,000). Research Grant, Ford Foundation, 2000-2001, "Post Merger Integration," with Oded Shenkar.

发布于 2023-01-03 17:36


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