罗素·艾可夫的 Publications

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罗素·艾可夫的 Publications

Ackoff has authored or co-authored 31 books and published over 150 articles in a variety of journals. Books:

1946, Psychologistics, with C. West Churchman. 1947, Measurement of Consumer Interest, with C. W. Churchman and M. Wax (ed.). 1950, Methods of Inquiry: an introduction to philosophy and scientific method, with C. W. Churchman. Educational Publishers: St. Louis. 1953, The Design of Social Research. 1957, Introduction to Operations Research, with C. W. Churchman and E. L. Arnoff. John Wiley & Sons: New York. 1961, Progress in Operations Research, I. Wiley: New York. 1962, Scientific Method: optimizing applied research decisions, Wiley: New York. 1963, A Manager's Guide to Operations Research, with P. Rivett. Wiley: New York. 1968, Fundamentals of Operations Research, with M. Sasieni. John Wiley & Sons: New York. 1970, A Concept of Corporate Planning. Wiley-Interscience: New York. 1972, On Purposeful Systems: An Interdisciplinary Analysis of Individual and Social Behavior as a System of Purposeful Events, with Frederick Edmund Emery, Aldine-Atherton: Chicago. 1974, Redesigning the Future: A Systems Approach to Societal Problems. John Wiley & Sons: New York. 1974, Systems and Management Annual, (ed.). 1976, The SCATT Report, with T. A. Cowan, Peter Davis (Ed.). 1976, Some Observations and Reflections on Mexican Development. 1978, The Art of Problem Solving: accompanied by Ackoff's Fables. John Wiley & Sons: New York. Illustrations by Karen B. Ackoff. 1981, Creating the Corporate Future: plan or be planned for. John Wiley & Sons: New York. 1984, A Guide to Controlling Your Corporation's Future, with E.V. Finnel and J. Gharajedaghi. 1984, Revitalizing Western Economies, with P. Broholm and R. Snow. 1986, Management in Small Doses. John Wiley & Sons: New York. 1991, Ackoff's Fables: Irreverent Reflections on Business and Bureaucracy. John Wiley & Sons: New York. 1994, The Democratic Corporation: a radical prescription for recreating corporate America and rediscovering success. Oxford Univ. Press: New York. 1998, Exploring Personality: an intellectual odyssey. CQM: Cambridge, MA. 1999, Ackoff's Best: his classic writings on management. John Wiley & Sons: New York. 1999, Re-Creating the Corporation: a design of organizations for the 21st century. Oxford Univ. Press: New York. 2000, "A Theory of a System for Educators and Managers", with W. Edwards Deming 2003, Redesigning Society, with Sheldon Rovin. Stanford Univ. Press: Stanford, Calif. 2006, A Little Book of f-Laws, with Herbert J. Addison and Sally Bibb. 2007, Management f-Laws, with Herbert J. Addison and Sally Bibb. 2008, Turning Learning Right Side Up: Putting Education Back on Track (pdf) with Daniel Greenberg.

Articles, a selection

1967. "Management Misinformation Systems". In: Management Science, 14(4), 1967, 147-156. 1968, "General Systems Theory and Systems Research Contrasting Conceptions of Systems Science." in: Views on a General Systems Theory: Proceedings from the Second System Symposium, Mihajlo D. Mesarovic (Ed.). 1971, Towards A System of Systems Concepts. 1973, "Science in the Systems Age: Beyond IE, OR, and MS", Operations Research 21(3), pp. 661-671. Reprinted as "Science in the Systems Age" in Wharton Quarterly 1973. 7 (2); pp. 8-13. 1974, "The Social Responsibility of Operational Research" Operational Research Quarterly 25 (3), pp. 361-371. 1975, "Advertising Research at Anheuser-Busch, Inc. (1963-68)", with James R. Emshoff, Sloan Management Review, 16 (2), pp. 1-15. 1975, "A Reply to the Comments of Yvan Allaire", with James R. Emshoff, Sloan Management Review, 16 (3), pp. 95-98. 1977, "The Corporate Rain Dance", The Wharton Magazine, Winter, pp. 36-41. 1996, On Learning and Systems That Facilitate it, in: Center for Quality of Management Journal Vol. 5, No.2. 1998, A Systemic View of Transformational Leadership 2003, Terrorism: A Systemic View, with Johan P. Strumpfer, in: Systems Research and Behavioral Science 20, pp. 287-294. 2004, Transforming The Systems Movement 2006, A major mistake that managers make

Some Ackoff center blogs:

2006, Thinking about the future 2006, Why few organizations adopt systems thinking in: Systems Research and Behavioral Science. 23, pp. 705-708.


2005, Doing the Wrong Thing Right by Russell Ackoff, October 2005.

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