群体高度凝聚力(High group cohesiveness)
群体隔绝外界资讯与分析(Insulation of the group from outside sources of information and analysis)
命令式领导(Directive leadership);
决策规范缺乏条理(lack of procedural norms);
群体成员背景和价值观的相似性(Homogeneity of members' social background and ideology);
来自外部威胁以及时间限制的压力 (High stress from external threats and time stress);
团体没有信心寻求比领导所提出的更好的方案:可能因为领导具有强大影响力(low hope of a better solution than the one offered by the leader);
成员自尊心低落:可能由于刚经历失败(low self-esteem)。