罗伯特·奎恩的 Leadership

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罗伯特·奎恩的 Leadership

  Robert has an unmatched talent for awakening the inner leader within his listeners. The key to such an awakening know thyself as been a central theme of Robert work.

  Fundamental leadership. His most recent book, Building the Bridge as You Walk on It, describes what he calls undamental leadership change leadership that begins with changing one self. Named one of the best business books of the year, Building the Bridge shows how anyone can become a leader, not by learning techniques, but by learning who we are through eight principles that lie at the heart of both personal and organizational transformation.

  Robert has written several other significant books on leadership, including A Company of Leaders, Beyond Rational Management, and Becoming a Master Manager.

  His topics in this area include Building the Bridge As You Walk on It: The Fundamental State of Leadership and Building a Company of Leaders: The Road to Initiative and Innovation.

发布于 2023-01-03 17:38


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