罗伯特·奎恩的 Change management

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罗伯特·奎恩的 Change management

  Robert offers decades of research and expertise in organizational transformation.

  Deep Change. Were talking deep change, fundamental and lasting transformation of the self and the organization.

  He written several books on change management, including Deep Change, Change the World, and Diagnosing and Changing Organizational Culture.

  He also developed a leading change management tool, the Competing Values Framework, that has been named one of the fifty most important models in the history of business. Thousands of organizations have used his Framework to align people, structures and strategies for effective transformation. Having worked closely with several hospital and healthcare systems, Robert brings special value to change management in healthcare.

  His topics in this area include:

The Essence of Change: How to Make a Difference in Your Organization; Sustainable Change: How to Diagnose and Change Your Organizational Culture; Positive Organizing: Radical Principles from a New Field of Research, and The Right Way to Manage Healthcare.

发布于 2023-01-03 17:38


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